What’s Your Justice Style?

The issue of human trafficking is complex and often overwhelming. Many feel moved to action, but then wonder; “how might I best plug into the cause“? Well there is a helpful Online Tool, to assist advocates in understanding how they might fit in the cause to address injustice. iEmpathize (iE) is a child advocacy and media movement that works in the field while also inspiring culture to empathize and engage. They work in prevention, intervention, restoration, and advocacy. They share resources, such as this tool, that can assist people in understanding how to fit into the fight against injustice. Their Justice Personality Profile, is a simple and quick way to gain basic understanding on the kind of advocate you might be.

— Are you a a prevention, intervention, or restoration personality?

— What historical activist or world-changer are you most relate to?

Take the survey and review the resulting profile which gives you a personality description, highlights efforts that match your personality, and suggests ways to engage that fit your style. Then, once you understand the personality type that fits you best, consider matching your talents, skills and interests to one of our MAP initiatives or projects. Join a MAP Community Group to get engaged in local activities in your community that are addressing injustice. Host an event or activity to build awareness. Whatever your justice style, it takes all of us to end slavery.  Let’s do it together.

— Kathy Maitland, MAP Executive Director